Wordsmyth has always been a resource for online learning, but with so many K-12 teachers engaging in online instruction during this difficult time, we would like to offer a guide to Wordsmyth’s plentiful tools that can help out with the challenging task of teaching children remotely.
For Grades K-2
WILD, a rich and unique online resource with an interactive visual world, provides a charming and engaging means for children to learn both about words and about the real world. It even contains an interactive world map and short descriptions of all the world’s countries. Very young students can safely and enjoyably explore the WILD site by themselves, or they can use it in classroom activities with a teacher.
For an overview of what WILD is and has to offer, we invite you to take a look at our introductory description of WILD on our blog. And for help in getting started using WILD with your class, check out our Quick-Start Guide or watch our WILD demo video. You can also download teaching materials and activities in pdf from the WILD site. Again, as WILD is a safe and easily navigable site for children, you can also have your students simply go to WILD and start exploring online.
As you begin to use WILD and encounter more and more of its features, you may wish for further help or suggestions. Our collection of WILD supporting documents will be there to help guide you along your way. This collection of information on WILD will always be accessible on our blog under the category “WILD: Wordsmyth Illustrated Learner’s Dictionary.”
For Grades 3-9
Wordsmyth’s Children’s Dictionary is designed for upper elementary and middle school students. Like the WILD dictionary, the Children’s Dictionary is also well-suited to the needs of young ESL students. Click here to learn more about the Children’s Dictionary.
Wordsmyth recently published its Children’s Dictionary app on both Android and App Store. This app can be used online or offline, which will accommodate the needs of students without consistent internet access.
If you have a school or teacher subscription, you can assign vocabulary word lists for your students to practice online with our vocabulary center activities.
For high school and college students
Our comprehensive dictionary suite contains three levels: advanced, intermediate, and beginner. The linked levels support advanced students and struggling students alike, as users can, with one click, access simpler or more sophisticated definitions and example sentences for words they’ve looked up. The unique leveled structure also provides the best support for older or more advanced ESL students.
In the comprehensive dictionary suite, users will find readable definitions on an uncluttered page, thousands of highly instructive example sentences to clarify the meaning and use of words, synonyms and antonyms, audio pronunciation, and thousands of photos and colorful illustrations. There is also access to glossary, quiz makers, and games in the vocabulary center. Below are links to descriptions of some additional unique features in our dictionary suite that you may find helpful for your students:
Wordsmyth’s Student & ELL Dictionary app is now available on the App Store and Google Play. The app provides the full set of features of our Comprehensive Suite for better user experience on mobile phones or tablets. Once downloaded, it will always be available for you and your students even without internet. Check out the full app description.
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