Registering with Wordsmyth will allow you to:
- Save glossaries and quizzes (online and printable)
- Customize your Wordsmyth experience
- select your preferred dictionary level,
- change the entry presentation style, and more.
- Receive our newsletter, contribute to online discussions, and add personal annotations to your dictionary entries.
- Help us learn about you so that we can develop our site to more effectively to serve your needs.
1. Click sign up
You will find the “sign up” link on the top right of the page.
2. Fill out the user registration form
- Screen name: This is the name that will identify you on the site. You may want to use your name or nickname, or an alias. You can change this at any time after you register, in your Settings.
- Email address: Enter a valid email address so we can send you an activation code for completing your registration. (We take great care to create a secure website.)
- Password (enter twice): Your password must be at least 5 characters. If you don’t enter a password, one will be automatically generated for you.
- Optional: Login Shortcut: If you don’t feel like typing your whole email address each time you log in, you can use a single login shortcut instead. Use any combination of letters and numbers, and make it easy to remember.
Click the “Register” button. An email will be sent to you with an activation code.
3. Activate your account
After clicking the “register” button, you will be asked to activate your account. An email has been sent to you with an activation code. Leave this page open until the email arrives.
Fill in your password and then Copy and paste the activation code in the email that was sent to you. A sample email is shown below. Make sure not to include extra spaces before or after the activation code.
Please note that sometimes the email sent to you might end up in a junk mail folder. Or it may be blocked by a firewall that protects your organization.
When you have pasted your activation code and filled in your password, click “ Activate.”
If for any reason you cannot finish the activation process at the moment, you can come back to our site anytime to complete activation.
4. Complete activation
You can close the window, and you will be logged in. Now you will see your name on the screen.