transitive verb
1. to arouse feelings of exaltation in.
The music of Bach and Mozart continues to inspire us even after more than two hundred years.
2. to exert a stimulating influence on by stirring the emotions.
Our movement needs a leader who can inspire others.
She knew she could write, but it took an encouraging mentor to inspire her to become a writer.
Witnessing the tragedy inspired him to try to do something to prevent such events happening in the future.
Her unusual beauty inspired him to take up painting again.
3. to cause (a state of mind or emotion) to occur.
She inspired confidence in him.
4. to cause (an event or situation) to occur.
His speech inspired a revolt.
5. to breathe in.
In yoga class, we learn to inspire air slowly.
intransitive verb
1. to stimulate or cause feelings of exaltation in others.
2. to inhale.