Wordsmyth is proud to announce its first dictionary app — The Wordsmyth Children’s Dictionary — available on both iOS and Android mobile devices.
This app’s design is based on feedback and requests from teachers and students. What we’ve been hearing especially are comments like the following:
” We just want a good dictionary for the kids, even when we don’t have an internet connection.”
Simple Design
The lookup box is on the top. Just type in the word you want to look up, and click “Go.”
Offline Operation
The app has been designed for use either online or offline. If you are offline, you have the option of using the app with or without media. If you click “settings” and download audio and images, you will have the full dictionary on your device, all accessible without the internet.
Anytime you want to switch back to using online media, you can simply click the “remove” button and delete the downloaded material to free up storage space on your device.
Customize your entry display!
To personalize your dictionary experience, you can explore the display options and set the dictionary to show just the dictionary features you want to see.
If you want to purchase the app for your whole school, it is available with an educational discount through Apple School Manager or Managed Google Play.
If you’d like to learn more about this app, please read the full app description. Thanks for taking a moment to find out about our newest and most exciting Wordsmyth offering!